Thursday, August 30, 2012

One year

I've been blogging for Erika for one year as of today! You can read how it all began here.

I'll point out that since August 30, 2011 I have gone to the dentist, gotten my first smart phone 20 years ahead of schedule, and just last week started reading The Shack four years earlier than planned.

I still hate skim milk.  That is not going to change. But I am actually ordering it sometimes in my white chocolate mochas because I realized that I can't really tell it's skim milk when there's so much white chocolatey goodness floating around with it. So even there, the blog has worked wonders in pushing me well outside of my comfort zone. You're the best, Erika.

I wonder what else I can speed up between now and August 30, 2013 since I've blown all of my other expectations of myself out of the water. I was planning on waiting until 2022 to become a millionaire, but why put it off?

In other news, today was our annual retreat day at work. The Camps department is nice enough to let Dave and I go with them on their retreat every year and today we all went to Boondocks in Denver. Someone had the brilliant idea that we should play laser tag, guys vs. girls. I'm all for men and women being equal but when it comes to laser tag, I would much rather run with the boys. Take a look at our final score and you will understand why (guys were red, girls were green):

That's right. We lost 27,125 to -70. Yes, that's negative 70. As I reflect on the next year of blogging, maybe I'll make it my number one goal to become a better laser tag player. Erika and I have talked about laser tag a lot in the past; I think it's time to make those conversations reality.

Happy anniversary, blog! Thank you for letting me write you. And thank you, Erika, for telling me to.


  1. One thing hasn't changed this past year. I still LOVE this blog and I'm proud of you for writing it! Keep up the awesome-mess. And maybe add 'Learn to sleep on my back in case I'm ever hospitalized' to your goals list! I meant to say awesome-ness above but for some reason it won't let me edit that word.

    1. I woke up on my back this morning (and instantly thought of you), so maybe there's hope for me and our doomsday scenarios. Proud of you for being a back-sleeping inspiration to me!
